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Department-Specific Student Learning Outcomes for HIST 1112:
1) Students will be able to recognize, identify, and explain major developments in World History,
especially those which help them better understand the world we live in today.
2) Students will develop analytical and communication skills in this context.
3) Students will employ independent and objective reasoning, and organize and synthesize
4) Students will develop the ability to evaluate societies and historical eras within their own
chronological and cultural contexts.
5) Students will be able to recognize and evaluate historical events as complex issues subject to
multiple interpretations

Grading Scale:
Final Exam: 25%
Midterm Exam: 20%
Online (Unit) Quizzes: 15%
In-class (Clicker) Quizzes: 10%
Discussion Posts: 15%

Projects: 15%

Final Exam:
There will be one final exam which will be worth 25% of your grade. The test will be
cumulative. A review session will be held the class day prior unless that time is needed for
finishing up a lesson. If that becomes the case, a review session outside of class will be held, led
by the Teaching Assistant (TA) for this class, Name Name.
Midterm Exam:
There will be one midterm exam that will be worth 20% of your grade. The midterm will be held
after the end of Unit II: The Americas. A review session will be held the class day prior unless
that time is needed for finishing up a lesson. If that becomes the case, a review session outside of
class will be held, led by the Teaching Assistant (TA) for this class, Name Name.

Online (Unit) Quizzes:
There will be four unit quizzes held at the end of each unit on folio worth 15% of your grade
total. They will be due by the Friday of that week at 11:59 PM (9/6, 9/27, 10/25, 11/29). Each
quiz will be fifteen questions each. TIP: Pay attention to these questions because they may help
you on the exams.

In-Class (Clicker) Quizzes:
Using the clicker, there will be one in-class quiz per week. The format of the quiz will be either a
true/false or multiple choice questions. This quiz may occur at any time during the week, (At the
beginning of class, in the middle, at the end, etc) so while there is not an attendance policy, it is
important for your grade to attend class.

Discussion Posts:
There will be eight discussion posts throughout the semester. Discussion posts will be due on
Fridays at 11:59 PM on folio. The topics will vary based on what major issues or current events
had to be left out of the lesson due to time restraints, so please check folio for the topic listings in
the discussion section on folio for more information. Each post should be one to two paragraphs
each and every student is expected to comment on at least one other student’s post to get full
credit. The grading rubric is located on folio as well.

Grading Rubric:
Online and In-class (clicker) quizzes are multiple choice. The percentile of correct answers
correlating to grade are: 90-100% = A; 80-90% = B; 70-80% = C; 60-70% = D; 0-60% = F.
Discussion posts should be one to two paragraphs long and correspond with the rubric below:
A) Student met criteria length and responded to at least one other student’s post. Both the
student’s post and response demonstrate original thought and point connections. Student was
knowledgeable about topic and familiar with assignment references. Little to no grammatical,
spelling, or rhetorical errors. Content articulated cohesive ideas.
B) Student met criteria length and responded to at least one other student’s post. However,
student either did not demonstrate original thought or connect topic points. Student knew a little
about the topic, but did not understand references that were in the assignment. Some
grammatical, spelling, or rhetorical flaws. Content had ideas, but did not articulate them
C) Student fell short of criteria length or neglected to respond to another student’s post. Some
thoughts and ideas intelligible, but not connected or explained cohesively. Moderate but tolerable
level of grammatical, spelling, or rhetorical errors that do not detract from student’s idea.
D) Student fell short of criteria length and did not respond to another student’s post. Topic is
mentioned but apparently unfamiliar to student. Ideas not conveyed or articulated well.
Grammatical, spelling, or rhetorical errors abundant.
F) Student demonstrated little to no effort. Topic missed or neglected altogether. Ideas
incoherent or unrelated to topic. Overly opinionated or unsupported by assignment.
Grammatical, spelling, or rhetorical errors rampant.

The mid-term and final exam are left to the instructor’s discretion, but the final exam is
cumulative and both exams should be preceded by a day of review. It is recommended that the
instructor design a matching, short answer (one paragraph), essay, or combination of these
formats to ensure students are understanding material. Multiple choices should be left to the
quizzes. Rubric for grading matching will follow the same template as the quiz percentiles,
whereas short answer and essay formats will follow the same rubric as the discussion posts with
the exception of responding to another student’s post. Students should demonstrate an intimate
knowledge of the material presented insomuch that they convey creative skill of the course



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